Saturday, October 27, 2007

Pics, finally!

Children watching a man ride a skeletal horse on the beach in Limbe.

Eating 'poufpoufs', beans, and 'pap' with Mary, Bernis, and Awa.

At a bar in Mutengene with Robert and Justin.

An impromptu game of soccer at the beach in Limbe.


kent said...

Wow. Looks, umm..., exotic.

It's nice to know that there are places in the world that aren't concrete jungles.

Gilesteta said...

really skeletral

Amber said...

Wow, for Kent to say a place looks exotic, it must be true. Have I mentioned the outdoor showers? Hehe.

Unknown said...

Nice pics! More!

Muriel said...

The pic with the horse is a little disturbing, but nonetheless it is a very good picture. Actually, when a picture evokes an emotional response, it can be deemed a good photo (IMHO).

Nice composition too.

Stinner said...

Damn right "pics, finally"! Finally proof that this is still Amber who is blogging and not the creepy person who tried to take over her identity :P lol

Nice pictures though, it's definitely not Calgary! Haha.